Sanjeeda Nazneen
Senior Lecturer
School of Data and Science
4th floor, Room No # UB60002,
Brac University,
Kha 224 Bir Uttam Rafiqul Islam Avenue,
Merul Badda, Dhaka, Bangladesh
Sanjeeda Nazneen appointed as a full time lecturer of Mathematics in Mathematics and Natural Sciences Department at BRAC University since September 2010. She has completed her graduation in Mathematics and post graduation in Pure Mathematics from the Department of Mathematics, University of Dhaka, Bangladesh.
1. Coordinator of MAT 110 Fall 2023.
Previous Activities:
1. Active member of third Inter-University Mathematics Olympiad organized by the MNS department of BRAC University, Dec 2011.
2. Conference: 19th International Mathematics Conference, Dec 2015.
3. Active member of 8th National Undergraduate Mathematics Olympiad (Dhaka North Region), organized by MNS, BRACU. Active member of Registration committee and Script checking committee, Dec 2016.
4. Workshop: IQAC 2nd Workshop, Biotechnology Dept. (28/03/2018).
5. Workshop: IQAC 2nd Workshop, Physics Dept. (12/07/2018).
6. Member of Syllabus Revising Committee Mathematics Program, 2018-2019.
7. Workshop: Syllabus Committee Mathematics Program (August 2019)
8. Active member of GenEd committee, Mathematics Program, 2019.
9. Joined a Workshop: “Capacity Building of Higher Education Teachers of Bangladesh on using and creating the Open Education Resource”, arranged by UGC on the 29th July, 2021.
10. Joined a virtual Workshop which held 9 -11 Aug, 2021 [Synchronous via Zoom] 9 -13 Aug, 2021 [Asynchronous via WhatsApp] (through ZOOM) regarding Institutional Open Education Resources Policy Making in the selected 20 universities in Bangladesh, arranged by UGC.