Syed Hasibul Hassan Chowdhury

Program Director




School of Data and Science
4th floor, Room No # UB60105,
Brac University,
Kha 224 Bir Uttam Rafiqul Islam Avenue,
Merul Badda, Dhaka, Bangladesh

Dr. Syed Hasibul Hassan Chowdhury obtained his PhD degree in mathematics (specialising in mathematical physics) in 2013 from Concordia University, Montreal, Canada. Earlier, he did his B. Sc and M. Sc in Physics from the Physics department of Dhaka University. Soon after his PhD defence, he was employed in the same university as a research assistant professor. He stayed there for around a year and moved to the Chern Institute of Mathematics (CIM), Nankai University, China with a postdoctoral research fellowship. After the completion of his postdoctoral fellowship at CIM, he moved to Institute of Mathematical Research (INSPEM) at University Putra Malaysia (UPM) with a second postdoctoral fellowship. After half a year on the 7th March, 2017 he came to Bangladesh to join the physics department of Dhaka University. He was granted extraordinary leave from Dhaka University to serve the Department of Mathematics and Natural Sciences of Brac University from 28th March, 2020 as an associate professor. Later he was promoted to the rank of professor on April 01, 2021.

1) On a charged spinless point particle minimally coupled to a constant magnetic field in a noncommutative plane (with T. A. Chowdhury), Ann. Phys. 453 (2023) 169308.
2) Gauge invariant energy spectra in 2-dimensional noncommutative quantum mechanics
(with T.A. Chowdhury and M.A.U. Duha), Ann. Phys. 430 (2021) 168505.
3) On Goldman bracket for G2 gauge group, JHEP02 (2016) 001.

Mathematics program director

In 2022, he obtained the TWAS Research Grant For Individual Scientists in Mathematics category.

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