Mehnaz Karim

Senior Lecturer

Senior Lecturer


School of Data and Science
4th floor, Room No # UB60002,
Brac University,
Kha 224 Bir Uttam Rafiqul Islam Avenue,
Merul Badda, Dhaka, Bangladesh

Mehnaz Karim is currently serving as a Senior Lecturer at Brac University. She obtained her Masters in Applied Statistics and Operational Research from the Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology University in Australia in December 2008. Prior to this, Mehnaz earned her Bachelor of Science with Honours from the University of Toronto, Canada, in June 2003. Her undergraduate studies were focused on Mathematics and Economics, with a minor in Statistics.

With a strong academic background and a passion for statistical analysis, Mehnaz brings a wealth of knowledge and expertise to her role as a Senior Lecturer. Her dedication to the field is evident in her academic achievements and commitment to delivering quality education to her students.

  •  The Child Labour of Bangladesh – an undesirable socio economic crisis.
    Publisher: Asian Scholars Network
    International Journal of Advanced Research in Economics & Finance (IJAREF)
    Vol: 3, Issue: 2
    (July 2021)
    The Child Labour of Bangladesh – an undesirable socio economic crisis
    International E-Conference on Applied Sciences, Society and Economics 2021 (ICASSE2021)
    e-ISBN: 978-967-19603-0-1
    Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
    Youtube Link:
    Conference Proceeding Link Drive:
    4th May 2021
  • Mehnaz Karim (Corresponding Author & 1st Author), Fahareen Binta Mosharraf, Shabnam Ahsan.

    Comparative study of bactericidal activity of blood serum against Escherichia coli in urban and slum population of Bangladesh. International Journal of Engineering and Technology (UAE) ISSN: 2227-524X
    Scopus Indexed
    (ACCEPTED, Oct 2018)
  • A study based on a survey of overall Australian labour force, occupation, industry of employment comparing to Victorian (“Victoria” – a province in Australia) suburbs. STM Journal – Omniscience: A multidisciplinary journal: ISSN: 2231-0398 (online), ISSN: 2347-9949 (print) Volume 4, Issue 2. (Impact Factor-3.592). Source:[]=4958 
    September 2014


1. Co-Cordinator of MAT 215 Fall 2023. 

2. Volunteer for Girl’s Olympiad September 2023 


Previous Activities: 

1. Active member of third Inter-University Mathematics Olympiad organized by the MNS department of BRAC University, Dec 2011. 

2. Conference: 19th International Mathematics Conference, Dec 2015. 

3. Active member of 8th National Undergraduate Mathematics Olympiad (Dhaka North Region), organized by MNS, BRACU. Active member of Registration committee and Script checking committee, Dec 2016.

4. Member of 9th Convocation brochure editorial committee (MNS Representative). 

5. Workshop: Certificate in Higher Education Teaching Programme (Summer 2016, PDC) 

6. Workshop: Using personal research assistant: Zotero (Writing Centre) 16/6/2016 

7. Workshop: THEORY OF KNOWLEDGE (TOK). The speaker is Ms. Usha Kasana (PDC) 

8. Workshop: IQAC 2nd Workshop, Biotechnology Dept. (28/03/2018). 

9. Workshop: IQAC 2nd Workshop, Physics Dept. (12/07/2018). 

10. Member of Syllabus Revising Committee Mathematics Program, 2018-2019. 

11. Workshop: Syllabus Committee Mathematics Program (August 2019) 

12. Active member of GenEd committee, Mathematics Program, 2019. 

  • Statistical Workshop NBICT Lab Online Duration: 24 Days hands on Virtual Workshop Statistical Data Analysis using SPSS November 2021 - February 2022 Obtained a grade A+ Verification Link: 
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