Fardousi Ara Begum

Assistant Professor



School of Data and Science
4th floor, Room No # UB21910,
Brac University,
Kha 224 Bir Uttam Rafiqul Islam Avenue,
Merul Badda, Dhaka, Bangladesh

Fardousi Ara Begum completed her B.Sc (4 years Honours) as well as M. S (Thesis group) in Mathematics from the University of Dhaka in the years 2001 (held on 2003) and 2002 (held on 2005) respectively and secured first class in both. She completed her M. Phil in Mathematics from Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology in 2016 and secured a CGPA of 3.69 out of 4.

Worked as the invigilator and examiner of the admission test, moderator of the question paper, Teaching, Students counseling, Invigilation of exams, Accompanied the students of the BRAC Visit Program at Rangpur TARC from 4th July to 9th July 2008, Act as a member of organizing committee at an international conference at BRACU, Worked as a FIAT advisor, Worked as a member of the organizing committee in Dhaka North Regional Olympiad 2016 held on November 12, 2016 at BRACU Campus.

Awarded a Scholarship for Studying M. S. in Mathematics at University of Dhaka, Dhaka, Bangladesh.

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